Partner Camps
Morgan’s Camp Partner Camps
Morgan’s Camp is just too beautiful and fun to keep to ourselves. We want to share our 102-acre oasis of fun with other nonprofit camps, and that’s why we have Partner Camps! Our Partner Camps (other nonprofit organizations) and Morgan’s Camp work together to create unforgettable camp experiences. With Partner Camps, the Partner is responsible for bringing the campers, in-cabin counselors, and medical staff while we provide impeccable facilities and housekeeping, delicious food, and most importantly the Ultra-Accessible™ activities! The cost to partner with us depends upon the size of the group, length of stay, and needs of each Partner camp.
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Camp CpalsCPATHCamp Contact: Victoria Polega - Email | PhoneCPATH is a Central Texas-based non-profit organization created to support individuals with cerebral palsy. Camp Cpals is a weekend family camp for Texas families living with cerebral palsy. Visit Camp Website | Cerebral Palsy, Neuro-Motor Diagnosis | Adults, Children, Families, Teens, Young Adults |
Camp Firefly, Family CampDiscovery Camps, Inc.Camp Contact: Jennifer Cavazos - Email | PhoneOur Purpose- To create happiness in the lives of children and families battling cancer. Our programs provide children battling cancer a chance to have a fun and "normal" camp experience that they may not be able to have at a traditional residential camp, while also fostering new skills, individual growth, and personal development. Our family programs allow the entire family to enjoy a releaxing weekend of fun camp activities, as well as opportunities to connect with other families who have shared a similar cancer journey with their child. Visit Camp Website | Cancer | Children, Families, Teens |
Camp HeroesChildren's Bereavement Center of South TexasCamp Contact: Emily Price - Email | PhoneCamp Heroes is a grief camp for children/teens who have experienced a death loss of a family member or friend. During Camp Heroes, campers will participate in grief-related activities that allow individuals to process their grief feelings, learn coping skills, and honor their person who died. In addition to grief activities, campers will also be given a chance to engage in some fun camp activities of their choosing! Visit Camp Website | Grief/Loss | Children, Teens |
Eva’s HeroesEva's HeroesCamp Contact: Jenn Stevenson - Email | PhoneEva's Heroes is dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals with intellectual special needs by providing an inclusive setting built on four tenets: Interact, Grow, Learn and Love. We provide opportunities for participants ages 14 and older to enjoy unique recreation and socialization experiences in our community. Their involvement with Eva's Heroes enriches their lives and allows them to become a more active member of our community. Visit Camp Website | IDD | Adults, Teens, Young Adults |
Kamp KaleidoscopeEpilepsy Foundation TexasCamp Contact: Suzanne Thomas - Email | PhoneEpilepsy Camp offers a safe and fun residential camping experience for teens living with epilepsy. Through generous donations, Epilepsy Foundation Texas provides this unique opportunity at no cost to the families of the campers with epilepsy. Visit Camp Website | Epilepsy, Seizures | Children, Teens, Young Adults |
Moran Camp XtremeTIRR FoundationCamp Contact: Genny Gomez - Email | PhoneMoran Camp Xtreme is a wheelchair sports camp for kids and young adults with physical disabilities. MCX provides 4 camp opportunities throughout the year- Spring Break Camp (Sibling Camp), Adult Camp (21 years and older), and Family Camp. Visit Camp Website | Physical Disability | Adults, Children, Families, Teens, Young Adults |
Pediatric Pain Warrior Family Summer CampU.S. Pain FoundationCamp Contact: Casey Cashman - Email | PhoneOur camp is geared for children who live with any type of chronic pain condition. This week is an opportunity for the entire family of the pediatric pain warrior to experience camp together. Visit Camp Website | Chronic Pain | Children, Families, Teens |
People with Smiles CampTexas Prader-Willi AssociationCamp Contact: Vickie Hopson - Email | PhoneA safe and secure place for kids with Prader-Willi Syndrome. A time for PWS kids 8 and up to be able to interact with other kids just like them. We offer one on one counselors. Different activities for all of our PWS kids to do.
We follow a low calorie diet for our Prader-Willi kids. We have a nurse on staff at camp. We have been having camp for 10 plus years. Visit Camp Website | Prader-Willi Syndrome | Children, Teens |
SRNA Quality of Life Family CampSiegel Rare Neuroimmune AssociationCamp Contact: Rebecca Whitney - Email | PhoneThe Siegel Rare Neuroimmune Association (SRNA) is an international, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the support of children and their families living with rare neuroimmune disorders, including Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM), Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM), MOG Antibody-Associated Disease (MOGAD), Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder (NMOSD), Optic Neuritis (ON), and Transverse Myelitis (TM). Our Annual Quality of Life Family Camp is open to family applicants (parent/guardian, child diagnosed, and siblings) who are members of SRNA. Membership with SRNA is completely free of charge. We bring together families from around the world impacted by these rare disorders together for a time of connection, learning, understanding, and tremendous amounts of fun! Visit Camp Website | ADEM, AFM, IDD, MOGAD, NMOSD, OD, Rare Neuroimmune Disorder, TM | Adults, Children, Families, Teens, Young Adults |
Starfish CampThe Chromosome 18 Registry and Research SocietyCamp Contact: Jessica Sabourin - Email | PhoneThe Chromosome 18 Registry & Research Society is an advocacy organization composed primarily of the parents of individuals with a chromosome 18 abnormality. We consist of three separate organizations located in the United States, Australia, and Europe, all with a common mission: To help people with chromosome 18 abnormalities overcome the obstacles they face so they may lead happy, healthy, and productive lives. We are proud to count among our members those who are affected by a chromosome 18 abnormality, extended family members, and professionals. Membership is free and open to any interested person. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt public charity. Visit Camp Website | Chromosome 18 | Adults, Children, Families, Teens, Young Adults |
Tatton Brown Rahman Syndrome SummitTatton Brown Rahman Syndrome CommunityCamp Contact: Jill Kiernan - Email | PhoneThe TBRS Summit is a scientific and family conference. Our goal is to support people affected by Tatton Brown Rahman Syndrome, and to advance research toward interventions. Families, researchers, and clinicians are all welcome to attend. Visit Camp Website | Tatton Brown Rahman Syndrome | Adults, Children, Families, Teens, Young Adults |
The HUB HoustonThe HUB HoustonCamp Contact: Colleen Russo - Email | PhoneThe HUB Houston brings around 20 of their high school students to Morgan's Wonderland Camp for 3 days and 2 nights. Visit Camp Website | Neurodiversity | Teens, Young Adults |

Looking to become a Partner Camp?
For information on how you can be one of our Partner Camps, email or call 210-866-4200 to set up an interest meeting.
First rate facility thank you for hosting the Spurs basketball camp!
- Christopher Duke